You Deserve One
You are unique. So is your portfolio.
There is no shortage of economic and financial information, such as tips, tricks and investment techniques on the Internet. Don’t settle for cookie cutter formulas and stereotyped methods. An advisor will offer customized solutions and personalized strategies that are always designed to suit your specific needs. Your advisor will monitor your account, ensure that your decisions are carried out and help you achieve your goals. Your advisor is your ally.
Better Results
The added value of an investment advisor.
Although managed solutions make the transactional side of portfolio management easier, they can’t replace the added value provided by an investment advisor.
Evidence from 4 studies
2.88% value-addin 2020
The value added by an advisor who offers comprehensive wealth management services was estimated to be 2.88% in 2020 .
Peace of Mind
Your advisor is an expert.
With your best interests in mind, your advisor studies market trends to determine how they will affect your assets.
Because advisors belong to a financial services or securities brokerage firm, they are governed by regulatory compliance and a code of ethics. Their activities are monitored.
They have access to financial planners, tax specialists and accountants – the professionals that are likely to have a hand in managing your assets.
Your advisor has you covered
Services Offered
- Evaluating your personal, family, professional and financial situation
- Determining your investor profile
- Developing a savings plan that will allow you to achieve your goals
- Proposing a method of asset allocation based on your needs and objectives
- Recommending investments and/or securities
- Preparing your retirement
- Monitoring your investments
- Encouraging and facilitating saving
- Rebalancing your portfolio
- Maximizing potential returns and minimizing risk
- Preparing your retirement
- Estate planning
- Carrying out transactions
Guidance at every stage in your life
Finding an Advisor
Ask your neighbours, colleagues and friends; they’re sure to have one or two recommendations.
Don't be afraid to meet with a number of professionals before making a decision. Here are a few questions to keep in mind.
- What type of educational background do they have? Do they receive ongoing training?
- What licences do they hold? Do they belong to any professional associations?
- Who are their main clientele? What experience do they have in the financial industry? Can they provide you with references?
- What is their investment policy? How do they choose investment funds and or stocks and bonds?
- What type of remuneration do they prefer?
- When and how will they get in touch with me? How often will you be meeting?
- Do they work closely with tax specialists, accountants and notaries? To which firm or financial institution do they belong?
The most important criterion is a partnership that clicks
- Russell Investments Canada Limited. "Russell Investments study shows financial advisors add more value than the 1% typically charged, calculates 2020 value-add as 2.88%". [cited November 5, 2020].
- Vanguard Investments Canada. "Advisor’s alpha: You make the différence – Quantifying your value to your clients,". [cited November 5, 2020].
- The Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC). Canadian Mutual Fund Investors'
Perceptions of Mutual Funds and the Mutual Funds Industry: Report 2017, November 17, 2017, p. 27. [cited November 5, 2020].
Note: IFIC commissioned Pollara to conduct a survey of mutual fund investors in Canada, between July 11th and July 25th, 2017 (margin of error ± 3.1%). - The Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC). "Advice Creates Strong Value for Canadian." Advisor Insights (May 2017), p. 1. [cited November 5, 2020].